Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Saturday Night's Lament

It is a tough job to be a Saturday night.
Throughout the week, you keep accumulating postponed stuff because after all, Sunday is a holiday and you'd get plenty of time to finish everything. Sadly when a week-long weariness takes over and you get up at 11 on the much awaited Sunday, things drastically change. You can no longer afford time for the two-hour spa you planned for yourself, nor the movie you promised your best friend. You don't blame yourself. No, how can anything ever be YOUR fault? Nor the alarm clock, for you never set-up the reminder. The next day was Sunday after all and you need a decent sleep atleast once a week. Even your sleep can't be blamed. It's just trying to keep your body working. What is to be blamed is me. The last night. The Saturday night and whatever happened to celebrate me. One moment I feel so happy. That I bring happiness and celebration and a feeling of universal relaxation. But how long could happiness be endured in good spirit, for you're humans after all. Blame-games are an essential part of your life. So blame it on the poor Saturday night if your assignments stay incomplete, your tasks undone, urgents pending. Blame it on the never-complaining Saturday night if your Sunday evening turns hectic.
Oh how I envy Sunday nights! They say there's nothing so productive and hardworking as them.

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